Frog Stake


6″ W x 30″ H

In stock

Introducing our newly handcrafted and super adorable metal frog stake for your garden! This charming addition to your outdoor space is sure to bring a smile to your face and a touch of whimsy to your garden or pond.

Crafted with care in Ontario, Canada, our metal garden stake features a playful frog design, expertly welded into a sturdy metal circle. The mild steel will naturally rust to a beautiful reddish orange color, adding contrast to your garden.

Whether you’re looking to add a touch of personality to your flowerbed, or you want to bring some new life to your pond, our metal garden stake is a delightfully simple choice. Our sturdy welds will ensure it will withstand the elements and last for years to come.

The frog design is sure to put a smile on the faces of all who see it, making it a great conversation starter and a fun addition for any party or outdoor gathering.

In addition to being a delightful decoration, our metal garden stake is also completely recyclable!

Whether you’re an avid gardener or just looking to add a bit of charm to your pond, our handmade metal frog stake is an easy choice.

Add our metal frog stake to your cart today, and bring a bit of fun to your outdoor space!